Is your business in a phase of GROWTH or SCALING?

Recently, many women entrepreneurs in my community have expressed confusion about where they actually are in their business growth cycle, and what kind of support they need to invest in to get them to the next level. 

So today, I want to chat with you about how to know if your business is in (or ready to enter) a phase of GROWTH, or a phase of SCALING.

The distinction is important, because the support and action you'll take to evolve to your next level of impact + expansion looks pretty different.


Here are a few signs that it's time to SCALE your business: 


  1. You're at capacity + maxxed out in the primary way that you make money in your business. You want to be able to do what you love without feeling like you're over-giving, undercharging, or depleting yourself in the process. Energetically, you can feel that what once was working + feeling in alignment for you now feels “off” – maybe you can't quite put your finger on exactly WHY – but something's not working anymore, and you know it's time to pivot in a significant way so that you can fall back in love with your work + stay on your mission for the long haul.

  2. The big-picture, strategic tasks are slipping through the cracks. You're crunched for time + feeling like you have a super full plate already. You feel like it's challenging to “keep up” with the momentum of the business, and things are moving quickly. Opportunities are coming in, and you're not sure if you can realistically commit to them even though they feel exciting + like a YES for you. Logistically, you're strapped.

  3. The demand is there to serve more clients, but your books are full. You wish you could serve more clients, and you know you could be making a bigger impact if you could find a way to do so more efficiently + affordably. You want to expand the ways that people could receive the work you do (without having to give up doing the deeper, high-touch work that you do, burning yourself out, or ending up making less recurring revenue in the process).

  4. You've entertained the thought of starting something new or serving in a different way that feels enlivening to you. Maybe you've considered starting a podcast, a group program, event series, online course, building a team so you can train them to do what you do, open another location, add-on a brick & mortar or brand into online sales/retail/wholesale. Maybe you're even playing with the idea of starting a whole new venture or revenue stream, like a product line, or service-based business that complements + expands the impact of what you're already doing. This could be because you're in a place in your business where you've delegated a bunch + now have space to create something new. It could be in response to feeling overwhelmed by the demand and unable to keep up. Or maybe it's because you know something foundational + fundamental is ready to shift in your entire business ecosystem so that you can build more in alignment with where you actually want to be serving, now + in the future.


Do you recognize yourself in any of these 4 qualities of a business ready to SCALE?

 If so, my 2023 Leadership Mastermind is likely the next step for you to receive the all-inclusive, high-touch support + intimate community to stay inspired + grow with over the next year. 

This Mastermind experience is halfway full already, and we begin the week of January 9th with our first virtual retreat, where we'll forecast your business strategy for Q1 in a soulful & strategic way that feels both incredibly practical and sacred. 


You'll feel deeply supported by me personally throughout this 10-month experience together, receiving 1:1 coaching/consulting from me each month, and Voxer access to me in between live calls to continue to move the needle forward, navigate big decisions with confidence + clarity, and build momentum with ease, no matter what may arise as you evolve yourself as a leader + your business over the course of 2023.

 We have 5 spots left… is one of them yours? 

Click HERE to get all the details about the Mastermind experience (including our 5-night, 6-day all-inclusive retreat to PORTUGAL next May!!!!) + book an application call with me to apply. 

 If you have questions about the experience, shoot me a DM on Instagram @emilycasselofficial - I'd love to connect with you and answer them! 


Life-changing love and plant-based cooking with Louise Rakers of Nordic Cooking


Embodying the 4 phases of the Evolutionary Leadership Cycle in Your Business