It’s time to WMNûp
Curious what that ACTUALLY means? Keep reading!
We’ve all had our fair share of WMNûp moments in life, business, and leadership.
We define WMNûp Moments as all the times you realize you’re done with trying to fit yourself into places, spaces, and boxes you’ve outgrown, and are ready for more.
You know the moments — the ones where you’re called to something bigger, better, and more expansive than where, who, and what you’ve been.
The ones where you answer the call to evolve and expand.
It’s what we all share in common here at WMNûp — besides the fact that we are all multidimensional, dynamic, and mission-driven women entrepreneurs.
And if you’ve found yourself here, we can’t wait to hear about yours, too — tell us the stories of how you decided to rise into who you were becoming, your next level of impact, your next phase of growth …
that, quite honestly, probably felt scary AF, and like an initiation there was no going back from…
and you decided to do it anyway because you’re brave, brilliant, wise, and capable.
Because you made your dream bigger than your fear.
We see you. We get it. We did that, too.
But what we know to be true is that it’s so much more fun and easeful when you don’t have to muster up *all* the courage…
or navigate overcoming all of the resistance to WMNûp in business, life, and leadership alone.
Our spaces, experiences, + offers are the way to be LIFTED up, PULLED ûp, BUILT ûp, LEVELED ûp (we could go on…) by the collective momentum + infinite upward spiral we co-create with (and for) you.
When you have the support of WMNûp surrounding you from every angle, you no longer have to choose between either exhausting yourself on the way ûp, or hoping to miraculously overcome the inevitable forces of gravity to float.
When you WMNûp with us, you can’t NOT rise — and you’ll be resourced + regulated while you do.
At WMNûp, we’re disrupting the coaching and consulting industry, innovating with intention, and filling the gaps for women entrepreneurs across the globe.
We are building a vibrant collaborative ecosystem to plug your business into that generates an infinite upward spiral of evolution.
Around here, everything we do is about lifting, building, and leveling WMNûp. And we walk our talk and embody our mission through every decision with make.
We serve, partner, and colalborate with female founders and business-starters, trailblazers, innovators, and visionaries who are devoted to rising up together as we cultivate compounding, evolutionary success in leadership and life as empowered women, doing things differently.
We value things like the power of collaboration, transformational (not transactional) relationships, and cross-pollinating ideas across industry lines (no echo-chambers, regurgitated cookie-cutter “expertise,” or fluff that lacks substance here).
We’re rising well beyond “business as usual” — are you coming?
Why a WMN-only space is great for business.
It’s not because we don’t know or love wonderful men — many of us married them, partnered with them, even birthed them.
But when it comes to your business as a female entrepreneur, the added layers of subconscious gender bias, internalized patriarchy, and other conditioned dynamics we have been raised with in order to survive in a “man’s world” can really weigh us down, and take the focus off what matters most.
At WMNûp, we rise higher, faster, and stronger through the psychological safety, unmasking, & permission to be multidimensional and “impractical” with our big visions, dreams, and goals that inherently emerges from a WMN only space.
Our Founder, Emily, has diligently studied + immersed herself in WMN only spaces from a young age, and through all of her business investments over the past decade, and has experienced the firsthand difference in her clients’ experiences who come from other environments.
For our community members + clients, finding WMNûp often feels like a homecoming, an exhale, and a nervous system reset that opens them up to feel truly limitless in their businesses — either again or for the first time.
Every time women gather in an intentionally held & expertly-facilitated space, there’s a natural buzz that emanates from the hive — connection, innovation, collaboration, and cross-pollination drown out the forces that weigh us down, hold us back, and limit our perceptions of limitless possibilities.
Around here, we know that impractical + unreasonable ideas are the only kind that lead to impractical and unreasonable results — and we love to see it!
“Impractical” ideas and thinking create the most innovative business ideas and emergent pathways to growth that are disruptive and regenerative (AKA what’s most NEEDED now) and actually work better for us as women, in our mission-driven multidimensionality.
You have our promise that at WMNûp, you’ll never be shamed, minimized, or called “crazy” or “too” anything for expressing your visionary nature, sharing your big dream, or celebrating the hell out of your latest triumph (internal or external, big or small, business or personal).
We’re basically allergic to them.
If you’re the kind of woman who in most rooms would be labeled as “TOO”:
(What else!?)
It’s time for you to join us and WMNûp. You belong here.
Don’t just rise — be lifted.
The Essence of Our Ecosystem
We: welcome the complexities of the female entrepreneurial experience in its entirety, encourage women to be shamelessly themselves in their pursuit of coming alive, hold a safe place to share real emotions, deep conversations and in-depth connections, combat cookie cutter strategies and regurgitated industry advice with step-by-step, true-to-you solutions that act as a catalyst for change, prove to you that no trend is as sexy as a woman who is vibrantly serving her purpose, turn your burnout into business badassery, won't tell you that you should, but we will disrupt the systems holding you back to show you that you could, but we will help you lead in a riveting, unforgettable way that is aligned with your deepest values, prepare you for the ups and downs so that you can evolve with ease no matter what comes your way.
And if you hang out here long enough, you’ll feel the impact of The Infinite Upward Spiral of evolution we co-create, individually and collectively, that helps us rise further, faster, and higher than you ever knew possible — while simultaneously welcoming greater ease, fulfillment, flow, and regenerative impact.
Whoever said business is “hard,” you have to struggle constantly, overwork, or burn yourself out… just hasn’t met US yet.
We do things differently around here — that’s intentional.
We balance the evolutions of life and business with strategic awareness and deep thought, seeking opportunities for optimization and elevation.
We’ll help you dissect what matters most, and equip you to make empowered decisions that support the evolution of your business and our world.
We’ll support you to build systems that withstand your ever-changing context, offering you more freedom, fulfillment, and financial stability along the way.
Emily Cassel is the Founder
+ CEO of WMNûp.
As a business strategist and leadership consultant, Emily’s work draws from her background in Positive Psychology, Sustainability, Women’s Leadership, Business + Entrepreneurship, and her uniquely impactful experience attending an all-women’s college.
Emily is the host of the podcast Like Nobody’s Business, author of two journals: the 52-week Motivational Journal and the 90-Day Goals Journal with Rockridge Press, and has been featured on Off the Vine with Kaitlyn Bristowe, With Whit with Whitney Port, and The Priestess Podcast with Julie Parker. Her work has also been featured in The Huffington Post, The Atlantic, and Skirt Charleston.
She lives in Charleston, South Carolina with her husband (Jeff), Mini Australian Shepherd (Kai), + goofy Golden Doodle (Wilson).
When she’s not leading THE COMMUNITY by WMNûp or coaching her beloved clients, you can find her performing a full Broadway revue or Eras Tour concert in her car with the windows down, scouting out the best local restaurants, boarding a flight to another coastal destination, or swimming in the ocean.
A Consulting x Community Platform Committed to Closing the Gaps
Together we beckon the big work of dismantling systems that keep women from rising up personally, politically and culturally. We curate bespoke solutions that scale with magnetism to lead the way for future generations.
Know that when you WMNup with us, it won't always be easy. We will: trust in possibilities before they show up, burn your intentions to bone, question everything, change your mind, nourish your personal needs, face your fears, linger over the little things, break up with your bad habits, go for it before it’s perfect, act with intention and finish what you started.
However, if you are on fire to serve just as much as we are, we promise the work will be worth it.
Best part? You won't have to do it alone.
We’ve got you covered.